Skills development

Mentoring in Human Resources , Skills planning and reporting to SETA

Who must submit a workplace skills plan?

All companies that have an annual payroll of R500k p/a are liable to pay 1 % of their payroll (Skills levies) to a SETA depending on their core business activities in compliance with the Skills Development and Skills Development Levy Acts.
This skills-based classification system encompasses all occupations in the South African context and defines the base from which to link various occupations to specific skills assists in identifying further training needs.

WSP and ATR Reporting

In order to claim your Mandatory Grant, you need to apply by submitting your Workplace skills plan (WSP) and Annual Training Plan (ATR) to your Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA). You claim the Mandatory Grant by submitting your plan. The grant is equal to 20 % of the skills levies paid to SARS. No late applications are accepted unless extensions are granted by the SETA due to states of disaster. Companies that fail to accurately complete and submit will receive ZERO points on the skills development element of their B-BBEE scorecards.

We assist you with:

  • The preparation of your skills data
  • Compiling the skills plan for the year ahead
  • Facilitation of planned training interventions
  • Preparation of annual training report

Job Classification

Linking the OFO codes to job profiling makes a lot of sense when establishing competencies required to do a job and can also be used effectively in establishing skills gaps following a skills analysis.

Aligning the Organising Framework for Occupations (OFO) codes issued by Department of Employment and Labour (DOEL) and ILO to jobs in your organisation. This skills-based classification system encompasses all occupations in the South African context and defines the base from which to link various occupations to specific skills assists in identifying further training needs.

Did you know

You can claim back up to 70 % of the skills development levies paid to SARS by submitting your Workplace skills plan to your relevant SETA. The submission deadline is 30 APRIL each year. There is also a further 50 % in Discretionary Grants available to employers for implementing Pivotal training (accredited training).