Career Development: A Win-Win for Employees and Employers

Career development drives both employee engagement and retention. Progressive organisations committed to skills development will attract top talent. It shows the candidate, firstly that you value the human experience and secondly increases their belief that opportunities for growth exist within your company. In our ever-changing working world with millennials demanding more opportunities to hone existing [...]

Shifting your focus to the human experience will generate more revenue- [18 Employee Engagement Ideas]

Employee engagement and the human experience are not interchangeable terms. The Human experience influences employee engagement. What can you do to lead the future of the “Human experience” in your business? AI and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) (the term for technology used to mimic human behavior) are here to stay forcing us to adapt.  Technology [...]

Virtual consulting is our new way working

We have been one of the fortunate small business enablers of Virtual consulting. It does take time to adapt to the new way of work and design a balanced way of living. The coronavirus pandemic has forced us into the “Future world of work” sooner than anticipated, and literally, overnight, our businesses have had to [...]

Increase employee engagement with workspace design

What role does workspace design play in culture creation and employee engagement you may ask? A Global study found that a strong correlation exists between high workplace satisfaction and high employee engagement, with employees who have greater control over their physical workplace – including access to private spaces – also reporting the highest engagement levels. [...]

Do your employees know what is expected of them?

Job profiles are instrumental in career development, goal setting, resolving disputes around performance and prove to be a legally defensible document in which the inherent requirements for the job are stipulated. We often come across employers who have not issued their employees with job descriptions and or job/role profiles. There seems to be much confusion around these [...]