Talent aquisition vs Recruitment- What is the difference?

Talent acquisition and Recruitment Terms that are used interchangeably, however, they are very different approaches to sourcing talent for your company, and hence the reason we are clarifying these for you. The term “Talent acquisition” is similar to recruitment as they both involve finding people to work for your organization. The key differences are around [...]

“Culture fit” makes all the difference when recruiting

Competency based interviewing does prove valuable in drawing out the required competencies, consideration for the soft skills, such as communication, creativity and emotional intelligence- personal qualities play a critical role in a potential employee’s ability to succeed are equally as important, and the most critical factor being “culture fit”. Research increasingly shows that hiring people [...]

Increase employee engagement with workspace design

What role does workspace design play in culture creation and employee engagement you may ask? A Global study found that a strong correlation exists between high workplace satisfaction and high employee engagement, with employees who have greater control over their physical workplace – including access to private spaces – also reporting the highest engagement levels. [...]