Why does my business need an HR Expert www.hohr.co.za

Why does my business need a human resources expert?

In the current South African economic climate we understand that the cost of employing a full-time HR expert does not make financial sense if your employee headcount doesn’t warrant it. As with most businesses,  SMEs are no different, we generally require new starters to hit the ground running. So then recruiting an employee who is the right fit with the right skill set is not negotiable right? Whereas Larger organizations have the luxury of possibly re-deploying their staff and/or investing in training to bring the new employee up to speed.

Assessing the employee during their probation period is critical for managing good and bad performance. Poor performance issues need to be addressed while they are hot, and documented clearly and follow-up in the application of the process is essential. We want you to stay focused on the operation and not keep you busy with HR matters,  these we can handle for you. We guide you through these processes and facilitate the assessment period confirming the permanent appointment of great talent.

We have seen that “Ignorance is not bliss” when you find yourself having to pay out an award at the CCMA to a non-performing employee.

It’s imperative that SMEs understand the implications of all aspects of labour laws applicable to their respective industries as legislation does not differentiate between sizes of organisations so it’s advisable to develop and implement a sound labour relations framework, which may prevent CCMA referrals. Investing in partnering with an HR expert to protect your company from any potential legal non-compliance is your financially viable solution.

With over twenty years of hands-on working experience practicing and consulting in Human Resources in both small and medium size companies and industries in South Africa has equipped us with mastered HR Skills which we transfer to your business. We serve as an impartial sounding board to business owners giving you a fresh perspective on internal matters, processes, communications and interpretation of labour laws within your business environment. We upskill your line managers with people management skills and empower you with best people practices.

Is this enough to prompt you to enquire about our affordable Virtual HR Consultant options?

How can we help?

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