Introducing employee recognition through feedback.

Introducing employee recognition through feedback.

I completely get that motivation starts with the self. However, there is also a role that you play in recognition and supporting the processes of job satisfaction and employee retention through the implementation of continuous feedback which will cultivate a positive and productive organizational culture.

How are you currently measuring, reviewing, and rewarding your employees for their commitment and hard work? I hear you saying… I pay them a salary and, a good one at that, so they must do their jobs and just get on with it. Yes, I have no doubt your salary package is competitive.

However, these are humans, not resources. They are no different to you. 

If this is your attitude, you will continue “to get what you get”. If you want to cultivate a “reward culture” and want to build harmonious working relationships, then it would be in your best interest to consider taking a different view on the subject.

We find organizations often continuously steamrolling employees with work, pushing them to work around the clock to achieve their deliverables without any positive recognition over and above the reward of their monthly remuneration. The reality is this is not enough to keep employees engaged.

Organizations that have implemented traditional performance management systems which do not include continuous feedback models often don’t get buy-in from staff and line managers and the process is viewed as a simple paper-and-pencil exercise because the tool is not appropriately linked to reward and recognition as it should be.

Over time your employees do what needs to get done. Still, they don’t exceed expectations because the message communicated is that whether they meet expectations OR exceed expectations they get the same results, no daily, or weekly feedback on performance (whether constructive or destructive). So how do they improve their performance or continue to produce beautiful work if this is your performance management practice?

They become de-motivated because the feedback is only communicated during these “performance review conversations” on either an annual or quarterly basis, which is way too long to wait for feedback.

Humans want and need instant gratification. Resistance to this fact is not going to result in building harmonious working relationships.

Employees burn out and exit organizations early for many reasons however failure to recognize people for their efforts continuously is most definitely a large contributing factor.

Surveys carried out by SHRM support this view as they indicate that 86% of HR professionals report that when peer-to-peer feedback forms part of the performance management process it has had a major positive impact on the performance of their organizations and employee morale leading to retaining star talent.

With talent being in short supply, developing people is vital, historically human capital was plentiful so businesses focused on who to retain, who they could let go, and who deserved to be rewarded, and so performance reviews served their purpose. Our focus needs to shift to development, making the transition from traditional reviews or appraisals inevitable.

If you are curious, we have a simple effective solution for you!

Hi5, is a simple platform that enables you to measure employee engagement and give valuable recognition.

Check it out here👇: 

#continuousfeedback #GiveaHi5  #organisationalculture #performancemanagement #jobsatisfaction #employeeengagement #recognitionandreward


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